Intuitively vegan
It just happened... not forcing it, just letting it click and connect the dots.
When I was 9 years old - I had this overwhelming sudden realization that it is not right to consume animals.
They have eyes, ears, hearts... they breathe, love and communicate with us and each other in their own unique ways.
I was listening to my intuition as so many people wanted to shake me away from this idea of leaving animal body parts off my plate.
Very, very rarely would I allow fish to be in my diet until eventually I did not feel good about eating fish either. My sign is Pisces and I have always sensed a deep connection with the animals of the ocean as well.
Nothing made sense to me anymore: Why would I eat other beings when I can live such a healthy and happy life without having to take their lives?
If you seek that inner deep sense of connection, it truly helps to meditate or practice Yoga. The more you connect yourself with your third eye, your heart, your energetic body and higher self, the more intuitive your actions will be.
No being needs to suffer.